Hi Scan.
Bring the thread here.
I bought a XFX HD 7970 DD/OC & I have a problem with it !
The problem I have is I have a 1440p Hazro monitor & the card has two DVI ports, one being single link & the other duel link. Now I can "only" use the Duel link as I don't keep another screen around or have duel monitors, this is where the problem starts - I have a blank screen & I can't view or enter my UEFI/BIOS as the primary ports on boot are ether the HDMI or the single link DVI (I borrowed a screen from work to test this) ! If My over clock fails or I need to get to my UEFI to boot to another drive I can't ?
Your photo's on the product page (Stock photo's) show only one DVI port on the card/PCB & the Tech spec also show only one DVI, this is version 1 (Duel link only) & this was what I needed but the card that was sent was the version 2 of PCB & has two DVI ports & the wrong one being the primary port ???
This is an issue that could leave my PC renderd useless if i have a problem with in UEFI.
I'm not going to say you miss sold me this card as you may not of known about this problem & you service is second to none, thats why I alway buy from scan.
Can I return the card or exchange for another ? If I can return & exchange (I will pay the extra for a higher price card) is it going to cost me to return it ?