I know what you're thinking, well the issue is obviously with another part... but I replaced every other part!!!
The initial issue was related to the board not powering up after shut down (all the time) and occasionally getting stuck in a boot loop. The POST codes on the board were different each time. The *only* constant was that I knew it wouldn't boot when the num lock, scroll lock and caps lock lights are lit on my keyboard pre-boot.
So, I received the board back.
* I bought a brand new PSU!
* I bought a brand new graphics card
* I tested my RAM on a different board using MemTest86+ for 2 hours... no errors
* I moved the modules to every DIMM... every combo
* I changed the cooler from the Corsair H100 to stock Intel HSF
* I removed the board from the case and ran it on a cardboard box in case of shorting
* I removed every peripheral and extra card (bar DisplayPort monitor, USB keyboard & mouse)
* I cleared the CMOS (CMOS button and battery)
* I switched BIOS 1 to 2
* I changed the power cord
* I changed the plug from a multi-block to mains wall plug
I literally have no idea. The *only* constants are the CPU (Intel 4770k bought through the Intel employee program) and the motherboard. To quote the Scan support staff member I spoke to "I can't remember ever seeing a CPU go wrong".
I feel as though the board was not tested, or not tested in a manner which showed the error. I listened to the support member and he said you used a "restart script" which constantly restarts the board. But, the error (as you can see in the video below!!!) happens when you shut down and attempt to reboot.
Any ideas...? Please help... I spent all my cash buying a new GPU and PSU having been told the board is "fine"...
(Sorry, I forgot the rule of vertical filming -_-)
(The PSU fan is activated at certain loads/temps... hence it's not spinning )