A titan I purchased not too long ago is starting to have its fan be VERY loud after 65-70% fan speed (whilst using evga precision).
Is this card dying or just does it need a clean?
A titan I purchased not too long ago is starting to have its fan be VERY loud after 65-70% fan speed (whilst using evga precision).
Is this card dying or just does it need a clean?
Last edited by Mark@SCAN; 28-10-2013 at 10:30 AM.
I bet you your fan is is clogged up with dust bunnies. Pull it out and give it a good air blast.
Rather oddly it gets noisy after just about 75% now.
hmm any other ideas, may clean it more thoroughly. But coukld there be something else?
Did you remove the card? due the the nature of house hold dust it can get quite sticky and may need a very careful clean. even a small amount can unbalance the fan which will make it noisy.
I also did a looking around and found other people asking the very same thing. The only other advice was to install watercooling or adjust the fan profile. With the second I understand lowering the fan speed can harm performance and the card.
Is your case well vented? Cooler case, cooler card slower fan.
I would go for a very good clean first, some cotton tips, also check movement in the fan, with the fan facing you there should be very little moment side to side and back and forth.
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The other HEXUS rules apply as ever. Be nice
good to know ill keep a check on mine
Thnx for the replies.
The card isn't overclocked atm.
I did notice that the new evga precision x fan speeds have a max of 85% at over 4000rpm; whether this is really 100% I don't know.However I am able to bring the speed up to 70% without too much noise and the card at idle is around 32 degrees.
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