I have had my new AMD system for 4 months running a GTX 660ti I then tried to upgrade to two 660ti GPU's in SLI and then the computer blew up with no idea why
I had a FX-8350 AMD CPU
MSI 990FXA Gaming
I had to send the whole lot off to them for testing on the 9th Nov
I have called everyday since for updates, it took them a week just to test a motherboard and report that as faulty
The CPU apparently wasn't packaged properly and resulted in bent pins. The CPU was in the same box as the board, wrapped in paper for anti static, packed in between the board heat sinks and protected from crushing from top and below. That box was placed into another box full of packaging chips
I have asked for pictures of the damaged box and CPU to claim through Royal Mail and no pictures have been received, that was asked 4 days ago
They then said they hadn't tested the RAM then said they had, I have asked for the RAM and CPU back last week and they said it will be sent today or tomorrow. The Motherboard won't be sent for a day or two and then takes two further weeks for a replacement. I constantly say I need my computer back due to work and personal
This is terrible, I'm planning on spending another £500 on a new 8350 and GTX 980 although I don't think I will be buying through Scan as my confidence has almost been destroyed
Can anyone help me or point me in the right direction to get this rectified?