I had purchased 2 sticks of memory from scan and one stick had gone bad. The bios would not boot until I removed this stick. Works perfectly with the other stick.So I did an RMA request which was posted and received by scan yesterday.
I enclosed a note in with the bad stick of memory that I had just enclosed the one stick that was bad. as I am disabled I need my computer. So did not send the good stick back.
Looking at the RMA report SCAN DIAGNOSIS
only received one of the 2 ram sticks - need both to process.
Why do you need both to process I have tested both sticks and have sent you the bad stick. My motherboard has EZ diagnosis and identifies the bad stick which I have sent you.
I am disappointed your testing people did not bother to read my enclosed letter that explained I had sent the bad stick of memory.
I have been a scan customer for years and have spent a great deal of money with you,Over that time, This is probably the first item I have had to return. And this is such a disappointment.
I cannot send the second stick as I need the computer 24/7 I am house bound due to a disability.
I would be gratefull if you could look into this for me thanks,
Mike Pratt.