Just testing the system by enconding video with Handbrake. Monitoring CPU temperatures with CPUID HWMonitor, they reach approx 90 degrees. This should be relatively normal under stress.
However, the system will suddenly freeze, with mouse and everything being unresponsive.
The fan is spinning, but the system is completely unresponsive.
Is this a problem with the program itself, or is the Overclocking on the CPU unstable?
I have only had this system for 2 days, so am quite weary on how tests may have been handled. Although Unigine Heaven ran fine, it seems that in "real world" performance problems may occurr. Went into the BIOS and checked voltages, and everything seemed fine.
In the worst possible outcome, is it possible to remove the Overclocking option on the order, get a refund for said option and bring back the system to stock voltages and frequencies?
Thanks for your time, hope you are able to help soon.