I placed an order late on tuesday night for delivery today. I received no shipment email yesterday, but never got an order delayed email either. On checking, sure enough one of the items i ordered (which were all in stock at the time) was out of stock. I phoned today at 12noon and cancelled that item, checking that all other items were in stock before i phoned. The order is still showing as not picked or shipped, and ANOTHER of the items (LN19288) is now showing as pre-order, thus i expect my order is going to be delayed again ? I really needed that stuff today, now im not even going to have it tomorrow. Seriously?
I know this is an issue with scans stock system that occasionally 'in stock' items go out when other orders are processed, eg orders placed at night and processed in the morning, because items arent allocated to orders as they are placed....so i can forgive the first occurrence....but for this to happen twice on the same order, over 2 days is just really poor. Why wasnt this latest 'in stock' item allocated to my order when it WAS in stock when i paid for it _yesterday_?