Don't want to be funny Wesley but:
This Intel Core 2 Quad-Core Q6600 G0 SLACR CPU will run up to 3.30Ghz or higher (when overclocked) and used in conjunction with the correct Memory, Motherboard and updated Heat Sink Fan
This is from your site - description of Q6600 - scan encourage ppl to overclock it, unless you give special warranty with recommended kit? But not a word about voiding warranty because of overclocking, and my favourite: Let them challenge you and let the annihilation begin.
And MB limits? My current Asus P5K has FSB limit 800 (x multiplier - for q6600 is 9 so 9x 800=7.2 GHz - this would be great achievement - maybe with liquid nitro ), I don't think you will find any CPU which can cope with such fsb .
I think that website should give more information, what will void warranty when OCing - or just small print "any overclocking done by customer voids warranty"
I'm not writing this to be a pain for scan, just so others will have information what if...