I got my system back from Scan, who had reinstalled XP and updated the BIOS to latest version (thanks for that). But the external CMOS switch seems to have been moved to clear, while in transit. On resetting it I got a message at POST: 'checksum error - loading defaults'.
System is now working, but at desktop it always reports 2 new devices - "mass storage controller" and "audio device on high definition audio bus", and wants the software.
Board is IN9-32Xmax,
Scan tech support said to "load the Profile", which should fix it. But F7 (load Profile from BIOS) just shows a list of 1-5 anonymous (or non-existent?) Profiles. I loaded profile 1, but it's made no difference to the problem.
I take it that user profiles aren't overwritten by clearing CMOS then?
I had previously done an F10 (save and exit) after temporarily changing boot priority, but I've been told elsewhere that that wouldn't overwrite a user profile (non were shown at the time either).
Tech support have now said to "get the system working as it should" and then overwrite profile 1 for future convenience. Which isn't hugely helpful.
So can anyone help:
1. What can I do about these devices? Disable them somehow?
Btw, the mobo CD has a driver for the audio device (I believe it's an on-board device I don't need) and it seemed to disable the sound from my Creative Fatality card, so I uninstalled it again).
b. What would the anonymous "profile 1" (and 2,3,4 and 5) be? Is it a default i.e. fail-safe, optimized - assuming it's not something else.
iii. Out of interest; if the user profiles are supposed to survive clearing CMOS, where do they live? Are there 2 levels of storage for the BIOS - the BIOS itself (flashing), and a 'normally rewritable type for saving user profiles?