Hiya Scan guys
I tried calling Customer services but can not get through, probably because its lunch time which i can understand you may be busy.
Basically i have a order that should of been delivered yesterday by city link, and despite beeing in all day nobody came. I checked status on their webiste this morning and it says "The goods have been returned to the branch after an unsuccessful delivery attempt" I rang them and explained that this could not be as...
1. I did not get anything through post box saying they attempted, and i saw no van outside my house all day, and....
2. I had been sitting in my office (10 meters from my front door) and that another item i had delivered on next day delivery from another supplier through UPS (cpu cooler you ran out off) turned up fine.
After a period on hold they changed their stance and said sorry we didnt try to deliver, so will do so today. It still has not turned up and i cant get through to city link, and im not to confident it will turn up today.
My question to Scan is that if it does not turn up today i can not sit at home for a 3rd day waiting hopelessly for my goods to arrive, so i will need to cancel this approx £700 order with you, how would i go about this if my goods are stuck in limbo with city link?
best regards