scan seem to be the only retailer out there thats bothering to look at the state of the market and drop prices in line with coming new releases etc.
just seen today that a 8800gts now will set you back just over £250 (from around £300):
obvioulsy with the incoming release of the r600 and nvidias lower 8800's on the horizon this makes sense.
and i see there starting to include intels in deals more, with todays picks coming with abit mobos and cpu of choice. (what with 4300 around the corner and a intel stated price drop soon at the end of jan)
just like to say good stuff all round! and also i want that cpu + mobo deal but my upgrades arent happening till the end of the month do these deals come round again??? - saying that it will know doubt be cheaper then wont it? since scan would take on the suggested intel retail price at the time?