Read more.Some might argue that the original game had little to no story, but, try telling that to New Line Cinema whose Gears of War movie is looking set for a summer 2010 release.
Read more.Some might argue that the original game had little to no story, but, try telling that to New Line Cinema whose Gears of War movie is looking set for a summer 2010 release.
Oh god....
Do they actually pay those studio bods whose job it is to come up with ideas for movies? Or did they fire them all in the strikes and get the janitor to do it instead?
sig removed by Zak33
John Travolta as lead?
hmmm, not so sure about that
you don't see the similarity
Think the Hexus crew have been watching a little too much Swordfish...
sig removed by Zak33
as long as uwe bowl doesnt touch this movie it should be fine
Sure i see the similarity, but John travolta :syou don't see the similarity
For some reason I keep thinking Steven Seagal ¬.¬
Whenever someone posts something and is half-informed about what they're reporting on it always makes me wonder if the person's making it up as they go and how accurate the source is. First off, on emergence day, the locust horde broke the surface of Serra, not Earth. Second of all, there was plenty of story line that a movie can betray. Like for example if they set it on Earth instead of Serra . Someone who played the game religiously would know. Third, John Travolta, I hope, is NOT going to play Marcus Phoenix. His voice is too nasally and squeaky to take up the roll of Phoenix and he's way to damn old to play action. I do see a resemblance in the face but, that does NOT make him right for the part. If the rumors in this blog are accurate this is going to make for a terrible movie. Nobody short of genius needs to work this film!
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