While my PC knowledge is pretty decent, my knowledge of mobile phones leaves a lot to be desired. I'm currently using a SonyEricsson K750i which was fantastic in it's day but positively pre-historic by today's standards.
I'm open to any deals as I'm currently on pay-as-you-go but don't want to spend more than £20 per month for a contract ideally (£25 max if it's an uber phone), although if the contract is right and the phone does what I need I don't mind a long length contract as I tend to stick with a phone for a long time anyway.
As I'm considering the switch from Be* to 02 for my broadband, an O2 contract is ideally what I'm after (so I get doscounted BB price), although other networks will be considered if the deal is good.
So what do I want in the phone? Most important at top:
Responsive (no lag through bloatware/poor spec)
High quality camera (3.2mp or higher with a good lens)
Compact & Light (I don't want to carry breeze black around with me unless it's a full multimedia device)
3G Internet browsing
Would be nice to have (but can live without):
Decent MP3 Playback
Modern mobile gaming platform
Not important to me:
Video calling
Video playback
Can people give me some suggestions as I've no idea where to start. I've been looking at the iPhone 3G 8Gb and it looks brilliant except it's just a bit more than I'm willing to pay at the moment, it's camera is rubbish by all accounts and this is a very important feature for me that I'm not really willing to compromise on.
I guess my thoughts are I'm willing to go big and bulky if I get all the features I want at the right price, if I have to compromise on features (3G, decent internet browsing) then I want it as compact and light as possible with just standard phone features and a decent camera. I'm not bothered about a half-way solution with poor internet browsing ability. Either it's done properly a la iPhone 3G or I'm not interested!
Any help appreciated...