So now put in a sim, turn on WiFi and BT and put it in a tin box so it is constantly searching for a signal, and see how long it last then.
So now put in a sim, turn on WiFi and BT and put it in a tin box so it is constantly searching for a signal, and see how long it last then.
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Pob's new mod, Soviet Pob Propaganda style Laptop.
"Are you suggesting that I can't punch an entire dimension into submission?" - Flying squirrel - The Red Panda Adventures
Sorry photobucket links broken
If you look at the power draw statistics for various parts in the phone its usually the screen,followed by the wireless components which draw the most power. Its why if you use a mapping utility or play any game which uses the modem a lot(like Pokemon Go or Ingress) it hammers battery life.
I’m afraid that is incorrect. Different battery chemistries have different characteristics. Duracell’s of the type you described are primary cells and cannot be re- charged and they self discharge over time.
Cellphone batteries are lithium ion secondary cells. They have very low self discharge and can be recharged many times - typically >500 , although they do lose capacity over time.
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In this case, I think 12 days/ 5 hours (Assumption)
My s6's battery would probably die in a single day just on standby, it's quite shocking,
4 Days 7 hours in mine....
Still going? Hehe.
Why is this so interesting? Is there something im missing here?
Generally speaking, it can be used for 3 hours under full charge.
It should last about 20 days if not signed into any email or similar service that requires constant refresh
For my iPhone 6,The battery only lasts 24 hours if i don't use it.
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