Installing Windows XP was, in a word, interesting. Windows XP is notorious for its lack of support for RAID drivers and the fact that additional “textmode” drivers can only be supplied via floppy disk. On the DG33TL, this problem is compounded because Windows XP lacks support for the ITE-ATAPI controller. This means that it will load the text-mode setup but it will throw a blue-screen-of-death as soon as it tries to load Windows-kernel based part of the setup.
You can’t install XP without a floppy drive. There’s only one minor snag - there’s no floppy controller on the DG33TL!
Luckily, a really awesome tool called nLite can slip-stream “textmode” drivers onto a Windows XP disk. If you put the RAID, AHCI and ITE-ATAPI drivers on the disk, everything works like a bomb.
I had immense difficulty getting the drivers right. It appears that nLite is full of bugs when it comes to this. To make it work, I had to integrate the RAID and AHCI drivers (for the ICH9R chipset) from the supplied floppy in one pass and the ITEATAPI drivers downloaded from Intel’s site in a second nLite pass. If I tried to do them all at once, it broke - spectacularly. I have read a few forum threads on this topic and I think that my method will work with any ICH9-based motherboard.