What would you class my machine as?
Since I first tried Vista all I've changed is my gxf card from an x1950 to an HD3850, other than that its the same.
Vista isn't quite right yet, yes I know XP wasn't either but we all know that you dont install an MS OS until at least service pack one right...?
I was on 2000WS for ages before I went XP but for now XP32 is the best all round option, its more mature, there aren't as many issues with it as there are with Vista, be it drivers, crap old hardware, people downloading dodgy versions or whatever, Vista
IMHO just isnt as good in general as XP.
However, Vista will most certainly be better than XP, there are a lot of new features and "under the hood" improvements that when everythings ironed out (sp2 at the earliest it seems so far) Vista will be better than XP ever was but for now there's just that "air" of uncertanty attached too it, yeah great so there are people out there for whom it works brilliantly, but are there more happy Vista users than XP users, Not yet...