I'm a macbook pro user, running Leopard/Vista dual boot (boot camp) and am now wondering if I should consider switching to VMware fusion and running Virtual Vista & possibly XP.
Does anyone else have a similar setup?
Basically 9-5 my macbook runs Windows. Out of work it's Leopard.
I'm not entirely sure why I'm considering the change to a VM, but I guess there are small perks such as:
- I'm logged onto both OS at the same time (could be on XP/Vista and Leopard at once, without reboot)
- I'd be running a VM so could ghost my VM and make it easier for me to reinstall further down the line (though Ghost would do the same job)
- I can choose my Idle fan speed (no decent SMC control in boot camp)
Is performance in VMware good enough to operate like this, or am I best sticking with bootcamp?
I guess it's probably going to come down to a personal opinion, i.e. do as you see best. But I'm just wondering if I've overlooked anything.