sorry, its being hidden at the div:
<div class="clear" style="display:none;" id="B5div">
<span class="question">Is withdrawal based on fund value? Y/N</span>
<span class="answer">
<select name="B5">
<option value="y">Yes</option>
<option value="n">No</option>
the problem i now seem to be having is that its reading the first part of the function:
function checkform ( form )
if (form.B4.value > 0) {
document.getElementById("B5div").style.display = "";
document.getElementById("B6div").style.display = "";
document.getElementById("B5div").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("B6div").style.display = "none";
but it misses this next part totally, i think its because its being returned, but im not sure how to make it work through the checks, as this list will become quite long by the time i have programmed all the checks.
if (form.B6.value > 0) {
document.getElementById("B7div").style.display = "";
document.getElementById("B7div").style.display = "none";
return false;
without returning, the page does not update and i am left with too little form inputs.
I realise that visibility sets the form with the space missing where the form will be and it gets filled in when visible, but that really doesnt concern me, it doesnt need the space there if the functionality is there.