I am have been trying to activate DirectX on my home server.....Yes, I know its not recommended but the machine isn't really taxed and there are some times when its really handy to fire up a game on it for someone.
Dual booting is not an option
System contains:
P35 mobo
4 x 1GB DDR2-800
7800GT (PCI-E Power cable is attached)
Windows 2003 Server x64 R2 SP2 (Standard Edition) - Domain controller, DNS Server, IIS Server and Exchange Server
System is not overclocked in any way.
Now, I have changed the hardware acceleration option in the "Troubleshooting" tab of the display properties to "Full Acceleration". I have installed the Intel drivers for P35 chipset (3 times!), I have installed a multitude of different WHQL-certified nVidia drivers (using Driver Cleaner Pro between installs)......but whenever I run DXDiag to enable the DirectX functionality the enable buttons are not there, the approximate memory size for the gfx card reads "N/A" and DXDiag states roughly:
"Direct3D functionality not available. You should verify that the driver is a final version from the hardware manufacturer"
After about 30 reboots for removing/cleaning/re-installing nvidia driver/reinstall directx 9c/re-enabling full acceleration I am starting to lose my mind.
Anyone have any idea?