Hello chaps!
After having had my PC down for about 7 weeks recently I've finally got my act together and got it working again. As part of the repairs I've fitted a HD4870 and realise that I can get the GPU2 client running from it.
I'm currently running a Q6600 o/c to 3.3GHz with the SMP client. I'm not sure what my PPD is but according to my stats on kakaostats it's about 2000 a day.
I was going to run the GPU2 client AND the SMP client simultaneously but on the F@H website it said not to run both at the same time because you'd suffer massive slowdown. I'm sure there's a way though and I think that it involves this affinity stuff that people keep talking about.
Could someone please tell me: a) Is it possible to run both together? and b) how to do this?
If there's a link you can just point me at it and I'll be on my way.
Oh, and Salazaar, we are neck and neck. But for how much longer? Can't beat a bit of friendly competition!