Thank you Microsoft! Finally a version of Visual Studio that's actually really good!
Been playing around with the first beta of Whidbey since Tuesday here at work (thank you MSDN subscription ) and I have to say, it's infinitely better than either of the previous .NET Visual Studio releases. If you work in an environment where you use SourceSafe with multiple developers trying to work on a project at the same time, including trying to debug web projects, you will love it!
The biggest improvement is the ability to have more than one person debugging at the same time. I've only tested this for web projects so far, but the process works like this...
You create a web site project on your server and add if to SourceSafe as per usual (FrontPage extensions are no longer required). Then each of your developers opens the project and checks files out to work on them, yada yada done it before. BUT crucually now, when you debug it starts up a mini web server on your own PC, specifically for debugging! This is not just much much faster than copying debug builds to the server AND running remote debugging, but it also means of course that your colleague can be debugging at the same time
It's also much faster at loading projects from VSS, and generally seems much more stable (pretty impressive for the first public beta).
The only downside is that it's not scheduled for release until next year. But in the mean time we can all look forward to an easier life, with Visual Studio 2005