Something fishy has been going on here since I installed SP2.
I installed it a couple of days ago with no aparent problems until I tried to install the latest nForce drivers. Then all hell broke loose.
After installing the IDE drivers there was a flash (, a BANG and a lotta smoke! Ok so I'm exagerating ) on the screen and then it went off, "out of sync". 'Whisky Tango Foxtrot?' I thought.
Reset button was promptly depressed.
Upon booting XP I see the following message:
nvatabus.sys is missing or corrupt. You can try to restore it by doing a repair install.
Bollocks, bugger and blast.
I was informed that it might be because I was overclocked. So back down to 2400+ speeds and it boots fine. However the windows loading screen:
Doesn't say Windows XP Professional, just "Windows XP" and the copyright in the bottom left doesn't say "Copyright © 2001 Microsoft Corporation" just "Copyright © Microsoft Corporation".
I was a bit bemused, but let it boot. To the login screen. I entered my password and it took bloody ages to get to the desktop, load the icons and all my other startup programs. SOmething VERY fishy is/was going on.
There's also this:
Is this all something to do with SP2 being installed, or has something arsed over my operating system?
I system restored yesterday back to pre-SP2 (after the fiasco with Nvidia's drivers) and then re-installed SP2.
Can't honestly remember if this stuff was happening right after I did that, but I turn on this morning and it is.
Bottom line is, what's going on? Is this normal SP2 behaviour or is my computer not playing fair?