Want to save my outlook calendar to VCS. Struggling to do so, without saving each individual event...
How so possiblé?
Want to save my outlook calendar to VCS. Struggling to do so, without saving each individual event...
How so possiblé?
Can you export to an Outlook CSV file and then import that? What are you trying to import them into (as more than one program can use this format)?
AMD X2 @ 2.6Ghz, X1800XL @ 540/600
im trying to export/save from outlook and import the vcs into my w800 phone.
I take it you're trying to export an entire calendar (e.g. a year or more's worth of data)? Do you have interlinked events within the calendar?
Is .vcs the only file format the phone understands?
You might want to look here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/outlook2ical/ as this will let you export to ical format. From there you can probably use a freeware calendar program (like mozilla's calendar) to import and then export to .vcs
Last edited by ultim8um; 30-05-2006 at 10:29 AM.
AMD X2 @ 2.6Ghz, X1800XL @ 540/600
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