
I have decided to change to Thunderbird. Can I back up completely the 2 accounts I currently have on Outlook Express? I have tried using accounts..mail..export and saving them that way but they are saved as a
.iaf file and it wants to know what program created it to open it. I tried deleting non important messages and then importing the saved back up to see if it works but it says "an account already exists in that name". I don't want to delete my accounts and not have the data backed up!
The problem I am having is that Thunderbird can only see the main identity in Outlook. I have tried everything to try and import both accounts. I manually configured 2 seperate accounts and even though it shows 2 , the address', the server's they connect to It won't import both accounts!
The other thing is on Outlook you could go file....switch identity and bingo you are in your other account but it doesn't look like this with Thunderbird. Saying that I don't want to delete my Outlook accounts until I know Thunderbird is up and running on 2!

Thanks for looking