I've been working on my shape and as a way of measuring progress I've used the machine at boots and the one in my local tescos health section as well. The two machines roughly agree, giving me a loss of body fat over 6 moths which agrees with what I see in the mirror. Today I saw a hand-held body fat analyser at maplins, so I thought that would save me money on using the machine in tesco (70p a go). http://www.maplin.co.uk/module.aspx?moduleno=31714 (£6.00) The trouble is the one I bought in maplins says I'm much fatter. Later on after looking up body fat analysers to find more info I saw one on offer on Argos for 99p so I went and got one of those too. http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Produc...3EBODY+FAT.htm A right bargain by the way, for £1 you can't go wrong really! That one tends to agree with the maplins one and seems to work much the same. I think I'll try to get a refund on the maplins one tomorrow or ebay it.
The thing is I don't think the hand held device is right. Surely the big machine at boots or tesco is more likely to be close to the truth. I definitely haven't doubled my body fat since measuring at tesco, in fact I'm sure it has gotten lower if anything. Anyway, here are the measurements:
25th Jan 08 at Boots machine: 84.2kg, 17.9% body fat
19th July 08 at Tesco machine: 81.1kg, 13.2% body fat
I weighed myself 17th sept 08 at the gym, 81kg.
4th Oct 08 using Maplins device: 23.5% body fat. - no way! I'm thinking no way is that right.
using Visiq device from Argos: 24.8% body fat. Hmm even worse!
Now I know these things are only supposed to be an estimation, but I'm confused by this much disagreement. Very much bemused!