Right, after stepping up the intensity and duration of the work that I do (about 8 hours of martial arts - lots of cardio and isometrics plus a couple of hours in the gym and pool) I have started to notice that recovery times are getting longer and longer.
Cuts etc take ages to heal and sore muscles can take a while to stop aching. It was mentioned in the changing rooms that it may be my diet that is letting me down and to look into supplements.
Trouble is I have no idea what I need and a quick google left me more confused than before.
Diet wise I eat fairly healthily, almost no red meat, lots of fruit and veg and I like my tuna! I take a mixed multivitamin and calcium\zinc supplements (Lactose intolerant so dairy is not part of my normal diet) as well as the usual fish oils etc.
What should I be looking for? Most of what I do is cardiovascular but as you can imagine the groundwork we do is fairly intense on the upper body and I might do 100-150 pushups in a 2 hour session depending on the instructor. I also do lots of yoga/pilates style stretching before and after a session, my flexibility is not a limiting factor for the aches and pains.
Help me stop aching!