Well, it feels like it.
The last few days have been hectic. "But Steve, HEXUS is always hectic" I hear you cry. Indeed so, but the last few days have been even more hectic than usual. The reason is the Consumer Electronics Show, in lovely Las Vegas.
I'm not there, but some of the team are. Yet despite my absence from the show itself, I've been working with those there to bring articles and such to you in our CES event page. The only problem with that is the fact that there's an 8 hour time difference... an it's not in my favour!
Still, the guys have been working exceptionally hard out there. They've even let David near some extremely high tech kit:
Yes, that's RAM that David's holding, smiling. How did they let him near that? See, Isay that while he's on another continent, and he cannot give my arse a jolly good kicking
Anyway, just thought I'd let you know what we're all up to, and that while we're working very hard, 'tis fun.