Well I dunno how I caught this modding bug, but it's nasty and expensive. And a whole lot of fun
There I am seemingly happy with my little beige Mesh desktop with it's AMD 2000 XP, and then I go and buy a copy of Pinnacle 9 studio. This PC's not quite up to it, me'thinx, so maybe I'll go get a faster processor.
Yeh, you know the story, I need a faster processor, but hold on if I upgrade the motherboard I can get that processor instead. And maybe I'll add one of these, some of that etc. etc.
Then I make the mistake of buying this months CustomPC mag. Ooops...
So I NEED some round IDE cables now. What temperature is my CPU at? Hey, I like those Coolermaster Aeros.
You know the story...
So 3 cables are now fitted, the coolermaster is on the shelf waiting for me to order a 2800 barton, with a new Asus motherboard. A blue, windowed, Scorpio case is on it's way from XCASE. And that's just the start...
So evening all, seems I'll be around for a while