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Thread: You Shop!! - Where art thou

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Question You Shop!! - Where art thou

    Hey Yoyo Tech,

    I a small little boy (hehehe) was walking down totenham court road and being abused by people with signs saying computer fairs (which are to my surprise rubbish and rip off) could not find your shop!!
    All I saw was a sign saying we have moved - what, and masses amounts of works on the pavement - all i wanted was some cable ties.

    Please can you tell me your new address, I saw one close to the ULU but looks quite complex to get to.

    Also do you have:
    a. Cable Ties (black/blue)
    b. Cable mesh (blue please)

    Thank you very much.


    George B

  2. #2
    Member YOYOtech - Nav's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    4 times in 3 posts
    Dear George,

    It seems like that u went to the old address i.e Store street. We have just moved across to the other side of the tottenham court road. The address is:

    30 Windmill Street
    Off Tottenham Court Rd
    W1T 2JL

    We do have black cable ties in stock.
    If you are still not able to find us, give us a call and we would be able to navigate you through, provided your mum has given 'the small little boy' permission to carry a mobile phone

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