HD 2900XT
C2D E6600
Sound blaster Audigy2
Enermax liberty 620wat
BIOS 1.5/1.3 (i have tried all offical bois besides 1.4)
i have had this board since just after it came out in the uk. i would have to say it as never been 100% stable. I get random reboots after post (at stock clocks) at startup and random restarts when starting games ups. for example, i downloaded ETQW demo and installed it but i can't run it for more than 30 seconds without a BSOD. i have tested my ram and video card in a ASUS P5W DH and they work fine. memtest shows no errors.
the board is "random" in a strange ways, it could be fine for a week and then just do random things. some time one of the network ports dissapears, i restart and it's back again.
Enemy terrory quake wars (demo) is the only progam that constantly blue srceens every thing else is random or video driver related. so i am finding it impossble to screw down the exact cause of the issue. is anyone else having these issues, or am i alone?