Can I get a new BIOS chip for one, tried to flash a spare board the other weekend, crashed when updating, now I just get a clunk from the floppy drive and a ner ner from the speaker lol...
Can I get a new BIOS chip for one, tried to flash a spare board the other weekend, crashed when updating, now I just get a clunk from the floppy drive and a ner ner from the speaker lol...
Read the above, should be all the info you need.
if it is trying to access the floppy do you think that the bootblock is still intact?
Nah had already thought of that and stuffed a disk in the drive but its not even displaying owt on the screen its just dead lol..
Just out of curiosity - did you flash from Windows or DOS? There's a post over at the abit USA forums on how this board takes the BIOS chip out when you try a windows flash.
Was a windows flash yes, if I had a similar board then I wouldnt have a problem as I've booted machines, physically taken the BIOS out, done a force flash and replaced the original chip...
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