right got an abit in9 32x max was using an asus striker extreme before with no issues same setup which is under my system
here are my problems
my pc is in my bedroom and it as a clear side panel as with all boards it has lots of leds on so when not in use to save electric and not have annoying leds lighting my room i switch the pc off at the psu once shutdown
and herein lies the problem this board seems to not like cold booting if i power up from cold it will either get almost into vista and give me a bsod saying "hardware malfunction please contact vendor"
or it will hang on the sil raid/nvidia raid screen after post it is definitely not a board issue it has to be hardware compatibility or bios issues
bios is version 13 and am running raid 0 currently simply been trying to run it at stock speeds
heres what i have tried
1, memtest full version in dos 4 hours NO ERRORS geil ultra cas 4 pc6400 at 2.05v (rated at 2.1v but always ran them a little lower on nforce boards never had an issue)
2,tried not switching off at back of pc for last 24 hours and zero issues
3,tried switching off and cold booting this morning and bang 10 mins to get it to go to windows
4,tried bios update
5,tried resetting cmos
i haven't been able to try other ram in there or cpu as my spare ram is the same as the stuff in the pc and i only have one cpu the quad core
any help would be great