Hi All,
This is my my first post to the board so please be gentle.
I have been using a IP35 Pro based computer successfully for the last 6 Months. I have had a few Windows XP BSOD, but that was to be expected.
I thought for some reason that it might be worth updating the mobo bios to v16, which I did before I realised that there was a pre-existing issue with my Q6600. So I thought it would just be easier to downgrade back to bios v14 rather that fussing around with extra software to monitor the real CPU temp.
That's when the real problems started. I haven't been able to boot my computer without having to clear the CMOS first every time .
The LED readout is 0.1. before I start the computer after a CMOS clear. I don't remember what the LED readout should be before the computer starts.
If I don't clear the CMOS after a restart it hangs on a LED of 01 (no dots).
I can use the computer using the default CMOS setting by clearing the CMOS before starting the computer and choosing F1 rather than <del>. But this is not a very good option as the bios settings are not right.
I would extremely grateful if any one can help me.
System spec is on the left.