Hiya there

I have just upgraded my motherboard to a Abit IP35 Pro XE, and everything seems fine but i do have a few questions, please bear in mind that while I use programs on a daily basis i hardly ever change hardware or mess with the BIOS/CMOS

My first questions is this, I want to upgrade my BIOS to the latest version and got the instructions and the BIOS update from the Abit site, I have formatted and created a MS-DOS bootup disk as instructed, but when i copy the files too it they do not fit on and ask for another floppy. This isnt a problem as such but will it still work split across two floppies, or do i need to get them all on one.

I've also upgraded my memory to two stocks of Corsair 2 x 2GB (4GB) Ram, now i have left the settings on Auto and for the Ram its showing a voltage of 1.97v, and a speed setting of 816Mhz (2x408) The latency settings seem fine. On the box it says it should be 1.80v and 800Mhz (2x400), should i worry or is this okay ?

Please remeber to simplify and explain your replies if possible so that i can understand more..
Many thanks
