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Thread: Strange Ip35 Pro ram slot problem

  1. #1
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    Strange Ip35 Pro ram slot problem

    Had my abit 35 pro since it was first released pretty much been great up til now.

    It all started last week I got a bsod and my immediate thoughts were rams gone.

    However I have tested each stick individually memtest86 and all is well.

    Now the strange thing is I cant use 4 ram slots at the same time I get C1 error and no post.

    I can post fine with 2 or 3 and it doesn't matter which slots are used but if I try and use all 4 c1 error.

    So I can say have ram in slots 1-2-3 posts fine 2-3-4 fine 1-3-4 fine again you get the picture.

    I have tried many combinations of voltages of mch ram voltage etc but still cannot use 4 slots.

    Is my board broken do you think ?
    Last edited by fightman3d; 30-04-2009 at 12:11 AM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Strange Ip35 Pro ram slot problem

    I've just begun having the same exact issue - am using 4x1GB Crucial PC8500s though I'm able to boot but I'll almost immediately begin to get BSODs for memory management and what not. I've got 4 other 1GB sticks laying around and in a nutshell it's the same deal. Any 3 slots work, 4 slots is a no go regardless how loose the timings go or how much MCH I pump in.

    Unfortunately I think I'm going to have to spring for 2x2GB chips

  3. #3
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    Re: Strange Ip35 Pro ram slot problem

    Slots 2 and 4 and 1 and 2 both work independently like I can have dual channel running in either but cant use 4 slots or even 3 now looks like the memory controller dies on these boards after a while.

    So not as great a board as we first thought seeing as I have 10 year old boards still fully working.

    If Abit hadn't ceased I'd still not buy them ever again after all this.

  4. #4
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    Re: Strange Ip35 Pro ram slot problem

    thnx for the followup...

  5. #5
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    Re: Strange Ip35 Pro ram slot problem

    Just had a very similar problem with my board. I was using x4 1Gb sticks until 4 weeks ago when i got a siren at bootup and no post. After some head scratching I removed some of the RAM assuming some of the sticks were faulty and it solved the problem. Then about 4 hours ago the samething happened again.

    The PC will now only boot with 1 stick of RAM in it (with a continious siren sounding), when i try the other 3 sticks in the single slot that still works it wont boot either. So I have assumed the following, 3 RAM slots have died and have killed the RAM sticks in the process. Im really not impressed considering the board is only 13 months old and i have other PC's that have been running for years with no problems. I wont be buying another ABIT product again and I wasnt surprised to hear ABIT is stopping to make motherboards.

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