I formatted my two SATA Raptors in a RAID0 and using some drivers I found I was able to set it up in Windows 7 RTM. Boots fine. Have a 300G SATA Seagate. The only IDE device I have is my trusty Plextor DVD drive on IDE 2.
I wanted to set up my stripe to match cluster size and this goes waaaay back to the Abit forum and Lvcoyote's guide. Luckily, I printed that info out. Anyway, I use an old WD IDE 10G drive with XP and plug it in to my IDE 1 and the BIOS sees it. I change the boot order and it skips past it to the RAID0 and loads Windows. Tried IDE 2 as well. No joy. I have double and triple checked the BIOS settings to make sure the boot order is correct. When I go into the BIOS to check it, the boot order is correct. Since my DVD burner is on IDE 2, it's not a controller issue. Tried a couple of different IDE cables.
Any ideas? Btw, I plug the old IDE drive in so I can go into Disk Management and format the SATA RAID0 as a Windows XP full format blows away my stripe/cluster settings.
It's great to see some old school folks are still around. Special shout out to BUFF. Looks like Lvcoyote hasn't been around much.
Thanks in advance