Hi, I have an IP35-e with an E4500 that has been running great for a couple years. Yesterday I upgraded to the BIOS 18 listed in this forum in preparation of adding more memory and upgrading to Windows 7.
So I did something stupid, I meant to take photos of all the BIOS screens but got sidetracked and forgot, so now I've lost all my settings. I think I've got most of them back except for the overclocking ones.
Anyway, at one point yesterday I booted into Windows and then a BIOS alarm started warbling. It wasn't the CPU heat, that seemed fine. I noticed that the "MCH 1.25" setting, which was set to "Default", was reported as running at 1.56v. The Northbridge's heatsync was burning hot. I didn't know what to set MCH to, so based on the name I changed it to 1.25v and now things seem fine.
Can anyone explain why taking the automatic "Default" setting for "MCH 1.25" would result in it running at 1.56v? And further, why is 1.25 the lowest value allowed by the BIOS? And finally, did I do the right thing at setting it to 1.25? I'm guessing that when I add 2 more sticks of RAM I'll have to bump MCH up a little, right?