** Note, I’ve only used one antec chassis (300) **
What I like about Antec chassis
- The build quality in general is very good, the case feels solid almost everywhere, and the any plastic on it doesn’t feel ‘plasticy.’ Hard to explain what it means, but the plastic feels solid, it doesn’t feel like plastic, more like a metal. Infact, the every part in the case is as solid as every other, thats the way I find it.
- They look much better in real life than in the photos, I bought my antec 300 with the intent of replacing it, its so great and doesn’t look as plain as it does in photos/reviews that I want to keep it
- Easy wiring, found it very easy with the help of ~40 cable ties , I’m not the one to judge whats good or not since I’ve only done it once, however it is quiet good, its pretty much call clear.
- Reasonably/Competitive priced. The Antec 1200 is priced similar to other cases in its ‘league, likewise with the antec 900. The Antec 300 on the other hand is very well priced in my opinon, I’d stick it in the same ‘league’ as the antec 900!
- Excellent cooling, then again, I haven’t had other cases to test this against, but for a cheap £35 case (well was) provides excellent cooling
- The dust filter included with the Antec 300 works really well, until I stuck a sidefan there was hardly any dust inside the case
- Excellent cooling, especially with a sufficient amount of free fans included. Airflow seems good, no comments on that as it keeps my PC cool.
- Well presented packaging
- Extremely easy to build in it, for a first build I was done within about 2 hours, that is with not much prior knowledge other than how to add/remove ram and PCI cards.
What I dislike about Antec chassis
- Despite what I said above about the plastic, just I find the buttons on my case get stuck in sometimes, not very smooth
- Plastic hinges on the P18 series, I wanted to buy one at first, but I didn’t want the doors hanging on plastic, its kinda worrying that they will eventually break, which is why I didn’t get it, then the hassle of RMA and stuff
- Installing washers on the 3.5” bays is pretty much impossible, my harddrives cause alot of vibrations, so would have been nice to do that. Not sure if its possible on the more ‘higher end’ cases.
- As said above, an extension for the 4/8pin extension would be awesome, but thats more of a thing you would purchase separately or should be included in the PSU.
- Dust filters should be provided on extra fan places, such as locations for sidefans, which are commonly used to blow in. If decided to be used as an exhaust fan, then can be removed, but it works really well.
- The manual provided with the case is hardly any help, doesn’t make alot of sense to be honest, made building a pc inside the case a wee bit harder
- A removable motherboard tray would help alot, I would rather build a pc outside the case, as the majority of the time I spent was actually fitting the components in there, not enough space. So the ability to screw your motherboard on, stick everything onto it, stick it into the case is great in my opinon. In fact, my motherboard has one less screw I think, it was impossible to fit the one inthe corner for me :S
- PSU Cant be fitted with the main fan on it blowing out. For me its blowing hot air onto my graphics card, which is using its air, and for an already hot running graphics card, not too good, however the cooling
- Tricool fans arent 3pin, wanted to get a fan controller, but a hassle to get the converters from molex to 3 pin. Would make more sense to be 3 pin in my opinion as the majoirty of motherboards now have quiet a few 3pin fan headers. Or a 3pin to molex already included would be good.
- Dont know if its design or not, but the top of my Antec 300 isnt smooth, don’t quiet like that.
- No drinks holder, I put my drink cans on my case usually, and if that spill someone is gonna be annoyed! (note, this is more of a joke thing, but in all seriousness I do place drinks on my case)
- Theres a lack of of range of prices, for example it goes from £40 to about £90, not much inbetween for lower budgets.