Hi, you are totally right. It's a subjective matter and there are a lot of people out there loving the cases which is why we are still No1 with retail cases. I personally liked the P180 also very much, but there were link removed made. We had to cut small holes in the front for better air vent but the cases look very similar to the P180, or not?
Just because we cater to a whole new group of endusers doesn't mean something is going down hill. It's surprising that answers on the press release were mostly negative but people seeing the case in real on shows etc loved it. Maybe you should give it some time to get used to?
On first sight I didnt like the Dark Fleet either but when I had a sample here it look better and better each day. Especially the DF35 comes quite cool even though I am a big fan of simple cases just like you guys.
Anyway, thanks for the feedback guys. Much appreciated!