This.. is a sad, sad story. How these people get jobs I don't know...
I have several suites of Macs (for my sins) that I look after, one of which is a room full of old style iMacs. They come with 64 meg as standard, but since we wanted to use OS X (needs 128 meg) we needed to upgrade them. We chucked another 256 meg in them all and now they all happily run OS X.
Now, one of the machines fell over in a big way. It wouldn't let you log in at all. Started getting kernel panics all the time and it was generally FUBAR. So, I try to reinstall the OS. Won't reinstall, kernel panic. So I format the HD and try again. Nothing, it's just ****ed. Suspected HD failure or disk controller
So, since we have extended warranties I get on the phone to Apple and speak to a woman from Tech Support. I explain the problem and after having to answer some painful questions like "Does the machine crash once it's booted" (I just explained, the machine WON'T boot) etc she comes to the conclusion I've given her - it needs to go back to Apple to have some hardware replaced.
She now asks if the machine has got a memory expansion. I explain it has another 256 meg in it. She asks me to remove this since they won't accept machines back that have expanded memory in them. This amuses me since the RAM isn't labelled up so how I'm supposed to tell which is a 64 stick and which is a 256 stick God only knows. I've not got spare machines to test the RAM on since it's assessment time and the machines are in use.
Tech Monkey now asks me to try to reinstall OS X on the iMac once I've removed the expanded RAM. At this point I'm nearly crying since it's obvious she's reading off a list of procedures instead of listening to what I've told her.
Where do they get these people?
Oh well..