I have recentley purchased a nearly new IPOD photo 60GB. Very pleased with it and still learning. I also own a Squeezebox for which I have converted the majority of my 700Cd's to FLAC. I understand that I need to convert from FLAC to an alternative format and have experimented with MP3 224kbs which seems ok, first question is am I coverting into the best format for Quality/Space/future compatibility??? I am using Poikosofts Easy CD-DA Extractor v9.0.2 for conversion and the available list of formats to convert into is huge!!!!
i.e so many different aac formats
Second question is when I convert say 20 albums each session, how do I get Itunes to put them into its own interface, I have tried consolidating my music collection and ended up with 2 copies of everything in itunes - Is there a way of deleting these dupications onmasse
rather than 1 by 1 as theres about 400 duplicates!!!!!
Thanks in advance for your comments.