Ok, I'm going to have a moan, mainly because I got caught out the other night when I went out with a mate, when I say caught I made the innocent misstake of not seeing the pay and display machine.
I'd parked in that very same carpark before, and I didn't see the pay and display machine then either yet I didn't find myself with a ticket, the only thing I can think of was that it was during Christmas and most car parks run by the local council will generally let you park for free.
So for my innocent misstake of not seeing the pay and display machine and so therefore not parting with £1.10 for an evenings parking they see fit to slap a £60 fine on me, or £30 if paid within 7 days (it's paid now I didn't want it going up to the £60)
I know for a fact that I wasn't the only one in that car park who hadn't paid after I'd found my ticket as there was a good two other cars not displaying a pay and display thing anyway.
It just winds me up for the sake of £1.10 that they ask for such a high amount of money for a simple misstake. Fine ask me for the £1.10 and if I don't cough that up within say 7 days then ask for say £30 and if thats still not paid then ask for the full £60.
I can hear people saying that the car park attendant has to be paid for his time and effort. The paper used to print the ticket on will have cost money and so will the sticky sleave they stuck on my windcreen will also have cost money. BUT in reality how long did it take the car park attendant to look at my registration, type it into his little machine print the ticket, sign it and then slap it onto my car ? 60 seconds, maybe 2 minutes if your a slow typer and they have the brass neck to ask for £60, or £30 in this case.
Sorry my rant over.