Hi guys,
I had a proper drive on an Integra Type R this weekend (T reg UK car) (DC2?)
Class thing, really lovely, BUT it had a weird trait.
It weeved constantly while I was trying to drive sedately at anthing over 30 mph.
To start with it felt like me being a nobber, but it took ages to get used too, and the owner didn't really notice it now cos he's had it a few weeks. I've never driven a car like it.
So the question is this: Does anyone have/owned a Teggy that did this.... little steering inputs to keep it dead straight resulted in an immediate correction needed the other way, the suspension compressing each time a fraction and causing the mirror image effect again and again.
Fast corners, it was awesome, slow corners it was awesome...but dead straight, it was quite stressful!
I spent some time trying to suss it. I found that under any acceleration it pulled to the right a fraction, though tracked straight off the power, so I wondered if it was a toe-in on the left side under power. I dont know anything about these apart from having driven them briefly several times, but simply dont remember this trait.
Front tyres were more worn than I'd like but no car I've ever driven has done this before.
Weird...so any help would be good. I know it's hard but someone might recognise this. Cheers peeps