Some time last week, as I was leaving work, I wound down the car window to wipe some crud off the wing mirror and, when I went to shut it again, it made a strange crunching sound and stopped half way up. So, I pressed "down" to have another go and it went down a few inches and made that god-awful horrible, crunching, metal on glass sound. After that the mechanism did nothing, and the window could be pulled up or pushed down by hand. Yes, one of those "oh, no" moments. I could call it something else closer to what I actually said, but this is a family forum.
It was slightly (only slightly) amusing to watch the window creep down due to vibration as I drove home - It would have been more amusing if it wasn't tipping down and I could find the gaffa tape which, I later learnt, was under the seat.
From the sound, I was sure the mechanism had somehow chewed through the glass, but it turns out that exactly how it sounds when the cable frays and gets dragged through the window gearing just prior to snapping. Anyhoo, £20 on ebay and my new bits have arrived and will be fitted this weekend - it looks like a proper PITA though. The door card looks easy enough to remove, but the mid plate looks like it'll be a bit a of pig to take out.