I've just put an order down for a new car and have got a p/x value for it. My new car won't be arriving until the end of April so i've got some time to try and sell my car privately for more than the p/x value that the dealer has offered me.
The thing is that i've never sold a car privately before so have no idea how to go about doing this. What I have done is create a Web site for it with all the relevant details that I think a prospective buyer would need. This also contains a picture gallery containing over 30 photograhs of the car.
I need some advice on the kinds of things I should be pointing out (the car is still under the BMW manufacturers warranty by the way). I won't publish the Web site URL as I don't want to be accused of spamming unless a Hexus staff member says it's okay to do so but, equally, I could do with someone taking a look at it to see if everything in terms of content is there.