Been a while since I posted anything on the car situation...
Lastime I think I posted owt on here I was still driving round in this...
Well the opportunity came along to get this
Well seeing as I've always liked Cav3's and I now needed more doors due to having a missus with a kid I swapped..
I then failed the MOT on emissions.
So, I turned down the fuel pressure...
And forgot to turn it back up again, which left me here..
Well, while the Cav was of the road I decided to strip it down and sort whatever else needed sorting, I figured that the welding
and spray job would cost me more than £500, so I bought the shell of this...
So, Now I have 2 Cav turbo's, one that needs an engine but is otherwise working and a shell, the idea being to strip the black one into the red one and then.. Well we'll see, theres only about 300 Cav Turbo's registered with the DVLA so I intend on keeping both of them and getting them back on the road, but we'll see what the missus has to say to that one...