Having my netgear router die on me lately, and my ISP provided router being able to handle a number of connections less than my fingers and toes, I've finally decided to get around to sticking together a LinITX box to provide routing and core network services. I've put in an order for the following bits:
1 x Kingston Low Profile 512MB PC133 SDRAM (KVR133/512) = £50.93
1 x 40 to 44 pin IDE Cable - 30cm (PA-HD44C30) = £2.98
1 x Seagate 80GB Momentus 5400 8MB Cache- ST98823A (ST98823A) = £52.88
1 x Light CV860A (533 MHz Fanless) - 3 NIC (LG805) = £175.00
1 x Light System ADSL Module (LEXADSL) = £55.00
Distro of choice of course being Gentoo, I still haven't decided on which libc to use yet, though being that it's going to be an internet facing box, I'll definitely be using a hardened toolchain and kernel with PaX, although not sure about using RBAC/MAC, I don't want to be stuffing up the CPU with excessive junk, if I get a good balance, I'll easily be able to run sshd, dhcpd, lighty, squid, and rsyncd for proxy/mirroring.
When I'm finished with it I should have an efficient router based on Linux 2.6 that's able to make intelligent routing decisions, set traffic priorities, bandwidth throttling, UPnP, the works...
BTW, if someone starts ranting about using Gentoo on a 533Mhz Edan CPU I'll slap 'em, I'll be maintaining the system on my P4 and copy the binary packages over
I'll keep you posted when I receive the hardware, I'll see about sticking up some pics while monkeying about with the hardware.