Hi , I've got my PC pretty quiet. I have Coolermaster Centurian 534 case, a Spinpoint F1 1TB and a Maxtor 200G. Both drives give off some vibration around the 50Hz range (by ear). The Cage in the coolermaster seems to amplify this perfectly I've put the HD cage on rubber washers and also tried to dampen the quick release system but the noise is really getting to me now. Dont get me wrong, the system is quiet, but I'd really like to kill that 50Hz noise. (Id prefer quiet fan noise to low frequency drone).
The drives are fairly quiet themselves, very little seek noise, and if I hold them in my hand obviously there is no vibration noise. Once the go in the case, it's a different story... Constant droning. And because they are a slightly different frequency to one another , it fades in and out every couple of seconds. Grrr...
Any good tips to dampen the HD Cage?