I've just received a key part of my next project. Its one I've been wanting to do for a while now but I've only just got around to attacking it seriously.
I've always been a fan of the Apple quicksilver cases and have been trying to source one for a while but to no avail. So I bought a older g4 one from ebay which arrived today (Sods law there was a quicksilver on ebay a week later argggggg!)
Any the project is going to be to make this apple case into a pc case. I've seen 2 previous examples of this mod and they did run into a few problems so this could be a ruff ride.
The mobo is a Gigabyte MATX board its a tasty board, the psu is a 250watt matx psu that I've had for ages , its been sprayed bloo and had the black 80mm fan replaced with a coolermaster white led fan on 5volts for silence.
Anyway enough blurb heres the pics ( there is still coatin on the case as its brand new so dont get confused ) :
Full gallery: http://www.gordonhandley.co.uk/php-cgi/gallery/MATX
I've got some ideas as to where I want this project to go but I leave them as a surprise for later