This is a bit of a pointless thread but I have to vent my pent up frustrations somewhere as the Mrs isn't home yet.
I thought I would get 20 minutes of Resistance 2 in before I had to go to work this morning, I put the disc in the and drive started the game as normal. The Playstation 3 writing came up and then a god awful noise immited from the drive. It tried to read it three times and then displayed an error code and went back to the dashboard, I thought the disc must be dirty so I took it out, gave it a magic blow and put it back in the PS3. Where the picture of the game would come up on the dash it just didn't appear, in the top right hand corner is a circle going round and round but thats it.
Now that I'm slightly peaved I rang Sony, they told me after two questions that the Blueray drive is faulty and it will need to be repaired. Ok I thought, I don't mind not having it for a week or possibly two. The chap on the end of the phone then told me it wont be picked up until next Friday and that it will not be returned to me for 7 to 21 days but to expect it to be the latter. I can't go almost a month having to talk to the wife, i'll go potty!
I've been reading on the Playstation website that this is a common problem and that they normally just swap out the whole console, what I want to know is why have I got to be without my 5 month old console for a month and people whose machine is sometimes out of warranty don't?